Sorrow Joy Everlasting
A sorrow meanders in our lives today
Coating us all in its melancholy smile
With moments of wonder to what is
and what will become our tomorrow
Springing to moments of joy daily
With friendship feeding a deeper need
To be at One within our expansiveness
That is our society struggling to survive
Waking today an attempt to try again
Walking towards the light of day
Being washed in the warmth of Universe
Knowing but insecure of our own worth
The Supernatural can be found
Only when the fear is put away
Opening our heart and listening
For that quiet source of everlasting
Lee Down
March 9, 2005
It is a touching poem on the state of being in a plural universe.
Are you a poet or do just write poems?
hmmm...what's the difference between a poet and someone who writes poems?
I wondered the same thing.
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