Friday, June 10, 2005

Choose Life

Think and think and think
and get caught in your mind
trapped with the fear of choice
right or wrong how do you know
without trusting the bodily emotion
that feels the truth resonated
in being the creator of your future
just let it go, let it go, the freedom
yours to discover with failure
success will shortly follow
each new turn leads the way
closer to the heart beating
strongly inside your own being
Being with One the Source of Life
a flower never questions the way
leaning this way and that way
growing toward the moving sun
around obstacles fallen in path
life represents no different law
upward you go or choose certain death
to live in hell on earth with despair
over frozen action full of fear
instead push-up moving always forward
towards the heated sun that inspires
energy moving quickly in synergy
with your Being alive in adventure
choosing life, not the mind-trap


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