Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Desired Joy

To touch joy
with a delicious laugh
is my lingering lover's
silky soft desire

© Lee Down 2005

Love & Peace

Life is hard ya know. This I've learned.

But we're all people, humans; brothers & sisters.

So instead of complaining, today, about the way we behave poorly to each other,

I'm here to extend my Love and wishes for Peace to you.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hello Life

Hello Life
How are you today?
You are so complicated
And yet so simple
I can never seem to grasp
The art of accepting you
Each and every day
Sometimes it works
But other times
You are so full of wrinkles
That no matter what I do
I can never iron you out
But then, I would forget
And the wrinkles disappear
Now tell me life
How do you do it?

© Lee Down 2005

God Speaks or just good advice

Think, dream, and ponder on the life that you long for. Listen to what calls from deep within the quiet still waters of your soul.

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Do not lament what you do not have, it will come. Do not sorrow over the time it takes for dreams to come true. There is much learning through the journey of life in preparation for the dreams that will unfold. The bigger the dreams, the bigger the tests and challenges. So as the heights are tested, the depth of character increases.

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I bid you to dream your dreams and think gladly on them. It is not in the longing lament of self-pity that these desires come to fruition; it is through the glad thoughts of power and love that creates the synergy and action in your Being necessary for growth and fruit in your life. As the trials and pains of life are faced, dwell upon those dreams. Envision the life you will have for yourself and be glad for the lessons preparing you for the loves, for your dreams, for bringing your light into the world.

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This happens to me frequently. I'll be sitting relaxed, listening to music or not, and be in some space zone. Suddenly, I'll discover that a thought is running through my head repeatedly, in that quiet place, and following the thread there is a message. This is one of those that I just captured. You may have read another that actually got published and is here called Are We Awakening or another called What To Do? Life's Big Question.

Yeah, anyway, I'm just grateful for the opportunity to capture these pearls and share them with others. I hope you get something out of them too.

It's important to recognize that following these deeper callings require us facing our fears. Quite often, what we long for the most will have us face our deepest fear. In order to achieve one we must overcome the other. In so doing, facing these trials life offers, we become better people and do not succumb to the ignorance we see among so many dishonest privileged, corporations, and governments.

We will reap what we sow;
sow Love of the Higher kind.

Peace ~ Love ~ Lee

PS - I took those photos. :D


Pick up the bricks one by one
stacking them forever high
never to be undone.
Keep out the fun!

© Lee Down 2005


Sitting in a park
On the mountain
I see the grandeur
God has granted us
In the mountains, ocean
Inlets and trees
Then on closer inspection
I really get to see
The beauty of the branches
The spider web
Stretched between the leaves
Dangling below, in he hunters stance
He slowly dances
With the breeze
The blade of grass
The ferns perfection
The attention to detail
For all to breathe

© Lee Down 2005

I wrote this in my journal September 14, 1997

Virus Man

The massive peaks
Stared down at me
A man of destruction
Builder of cities
Noise and pollution
A sense of guilt
Washes over me
As I see the rubble
Ancestors laid to waste
Of our mother’s purity
Now stripped bare
Scarred remains
Littering the landscape
As woven tentacles
Which cling to earth
Having ripped away
Her mighty strength

© Lee Down 2005

Written in my journal July 26, 1997

Memory Clouds

Past clouds touching
fallen patterns of time
see memories found.

© Lee Down 2005

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Coloring Life

The color of life is
a thought on my mind
a speck of possibility
bright enough to blind.

In the past you must see
the emotional ride,
the richness undefined,
nothing felt to be denied.

Each chapter, each slice
tells another unique story,
painting a new picture,
all lived, to your glory.

The good and the bad
are instructions of life,
an experience made,
man's most heart-felt strife.

Fiery burning of strife
awakens within, spirit
forged by life's furnace
listen and you will - hear it.

It's a tiny spark calling
the heart asleep, shaken
soul, a generous life
choose to die or awaken.

Each moment that you live
a brush-stroke is made,
a choice made of color,
so do it loud, unafraid.

The moment died, eventually
now or later choose
a magnificent painting alive
or small sketch, you lose.

© Lee Down 2005

Crow's Call Revealed

As the crow brings wing to a taunting call
and the float plane drones on overhead
I am seated firmly on the old cedar log
secure in the resplendent nature that surrounds me

I fantasize about life with coffee on hand
and cigarette smoldering between fingers
With one last drag and licking of lips
I exhale, as I toss it all away

The worries and troubles with taunting call
have winged away as fantasy arrives overhead
The dreams smolder within reach of my fingers
Breathing in I taste possibility upon my lips

There is no time, there is no space
It is only here, now, Oneness
Solidly present within one's presence
The choices of possibility always within reach

The noise of life and ego compete with peace
as traffic screams by the still forested trees
the tenuous grasp crushed underneath the heel
of a world rushing towards its own decay

Weak with desire for a luxurious life
I wine away priceless moments of opportunity
becrying my lot in life and community
dreaming of a day in yester-year brightness

Blinding the eyes toward vision and imagination
the darkness shrouds the mind's landscape
creating beliefs to exist towards limitation
I seize the moment to do nothing yet again

Wisdom seeps into the flesh of my body
as surely as the rain soaks into the earth
and the body's peace is restored to rest
as the stress drains into the log's decayed flesh

The moment stretches into forever, until
with the last sip of coffee drained away
the future's plans scream mightily for attention
while the crow swoops in upon his cackling caw

© Lee Down 2005

Elusive Scent

Standing on the corner
One hand fallen down
In wait, for the time of love

The elusive scent spent
Lovers wilted stems, petals falling
Memories long last longing

Echoes ghost silently past
Desire’s embers glow, lava flowing
Tomorrow’s breeze now blowing

Sun-bright dawn life’s caress
Lovers embraced arms, sunbeams holding
Human nature’s heat - need rising

Standing on the corner
One hand fallen down
In wait, for the time of love

Here today, but will I be - tomorrow?

© Lee Down 2005

Hell Time

did it again - visited http://chocolate.mindsay.com/ again - her little phrase,

...Age ain't nothing but a number...

which prompted me to write,

cuz time ain't nothing but change
hell, it wouldn't exist if we didn't live
to measure the while away

Final Result

Hell Time

Age ain't nothing but a number
cuz time ain't nothing but change
hell, it wouldn't exist if we didn't live
to measure the while away

© Lee Down 2005

Sit with this!

following a stream of consciousness

zero equals infinity - you see?

no, you can't fit limitless quantities into nothing

sure you can

no, you can't

okay, look. with nothing, there are no boundaries, there are no limits; just emptiness


so, infinite fits into that space, that emptiness


yes. and so does our universe. that's where you'll find God too.


yes, God. He is those spaces - perfect - there is no light, there is no dark, there is no matter, no nothing, just - perfection - the source of love, of creation - it exists in the empty space of nothing - that's where we come from, what we're made of.

oooohhhhh, my brain!

by going inwards, within ourselves, to reach the quiet space, we can hear God and hear our spirit - we cannot comprehend what we cannot see and what is nothing cannot be seen - and yet, nothing is everything.

Silence's Truth

I've so many things to say
and yet silence followed me

I'd dash this way and that
but he'd never be far behind me

So stopped cold in my tracks
head low, steeped in thought

I turned and stood taller
stepped forward with a holler

And said to my friend
"What do you want!?"

Silence stood quietly forlorn
kicking a stone and looking down

I walked over closer
putting one arm around

I pulled quietly with love
sucking that energy inside me

Silent solitude took place
and the quiet blessed presence

No reason to be, to share
relaxed in the sphere

I watched as the world
whizzed by silently

I could see clarity
her crystal fortelling all

Quiet mind memories true
to detail and Silence's truth

© Lee Down 2005

sex change

insecure lipstick tells

self-consciously stumbling

he's transitional queen

heels life drag

© Lee Down 2005

The Dis-Ease


The disease is a dis-ease
can't you dis-ease the disease?

My mind all in worry
with my doubts and my fears
My face creased with lines
cheeks laced with my tears

I wanna be perfect
don't wanna stand out

It's a fight everyday
trying to be normal
Sometimes I wanna scream
"This feels too formal!"

The who that I am
somewhere deep down inside
has been so long lost
don't know where to look

I wanna be perfect
don't wanna stand out
The disease is a dis-ease
Why can't I
dis-ease the disease?

Maybe then
I could feel normal
as me.

© Lee Down 2005

Live Love

Heart's all you need here
inside you lives a true one
used wisely, feeds you

© Lee Down 2005

Comedy's Parody

comedy photographs tragedy
freedom portraits chortle panic
paint parody embraces connection
distaster falling enraged
delicious duck's
stone's throw
dripping sun

© Lee Down 2005

created with limited choices of word-tiles and a word-count restriction.

Have some fun with these three.

Cat Dreams

Can the cat have people dreams?
Could that sleeping purr just be
putting dreamy moves with feline grace
on a Babe so smooth to deserve a cat call?

© Lee Down 2005

Undoing Resolve

huge smile on my face
and a fire in my belly
imagination is captured
while pupils dilated
undoing resolve
one button at a time

© Lee Down 2005

Dried 'n Crumbled

Your barbed insincerities
smothered foolish petals;
never hang a weeping smile.

You've turned love
crumbled, dried, waiting,
thirsting changed desire.

© Lee Down 2005

Blinding Insanity

You would feel more relaxed,
you wouldn't be quick to judge
if only you could - understand me.

Meet my friend, Mr. Insanity.

He crept out of the closet,
the dark recesses of my mind,
to visit with a reminder:

Be careful, or you will be - blinder.

And let out a blood-curdling laugh!

© Lee Down 2005

not even sure this last one can really be considered poetry.... just a fun, twisted, dark poem... Saturday Morning Frights!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Came & Went

When the sadness hit the floor
You were walking out the door
Me swallowing the tear-drop
My heart screaming, "STOP!"

Hands hang heavily at my side
All is gone including my pride
Sorrow's sweet melancholy swamp
Sings its' song to each heart-pump

Each breathe of air labored in love
Sears the ribcage with heated shove
Reality slams hard into my face
Choices made led to disgrace

Shamed myself over loving you
Made a fool when I said, "I do."
Thirty days after you got a green-card
You turned to me and said, "It's too hard!"

Choking down a boulder, unable to swallow
My life is an Easter Egg and it's hollow
I stand alone as eyes forlornly see
The movie, My Life, displayed all-over me

It's a long review, many journeys gone astray
Each chapter re-experienced as I bid them good-day
Each chapter, each season, it's life you see?
Everything circular, including me

Following the spiral, higher and higher
Fear and worry? It's not so dire
Living out loud until the body is spent
It's the way of everything; it just came and went.

© Lee Down 2005