Saturday, July 23, 2005

Life's Bitter-Sweet Ecstacy

Life's Bitter-Sweet Ecstacy

Gazing down into the rich creamy darkness
remembering this emptiness in daily life
textured rich in this chocolate fondue
staring lost in the black glistening nothingness
swallowed by the thick creamy melt-in-your-mouth
savored taste of life diminished bite by bite until
a pleasant bitter-sweet after taste and empty wrapper
recalls the solitude lost on the breeze of the afternoon
the wrapper whisked away to litter the landscape
of scattered debris of so many untouched lives
fluttering with every hopeful whisp of wind
caressing the fields until again the sun goes down
the darkness hiding their presence out of sight
figments of imagination that didn't really matter
obscured thoughts that never end
even though forgotten
mourning the loss of love crying for an embrace
of security wanting to know reality exists
when existence of this life is unknown
and I can know I am textured rich
understood nothingness and have experienced
creamy melt-in-your-mouth love

© Lee Down 2005

Please note, all material throughout this blog are copyright protected. All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

This World

Everyday, getting smaller and smaller
Hearing the screams of pain and agony
The suffering continues
As mankind evolves
But into what?
Atrocities and virtue collide
In a constant battle
As two bighorn sheep
Dueling it out on mountaintop
A thundering crash on impact
Sending a shiver down the spine of society
Trying to make a better place
Will good overcome evil
Or will a blind eye be turned?
Ignoring the crimes committed
Against helpless people
Nuclear fallout, civil wars and terrorism
Destroying a fragile web
The spider must rebuild again and again

©2005 A. Lee Down

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Living Paradise

Eking out a living in this paradise
Gimme Johnny Walker, neat, no ice
A few more of those I'll be alright
Getting me through a long slow night

Twisted pain of death lines my face
Another chance tomorrow my saving grace
I'm here to fight, never say die
Always chasing truth never a lie

Eking out a living in this paradise
Gimme Johnny Walker, neat, no ice

Smile for me Baby I'm here for you
Whatever it takes you know I'll do
You know my dirty secret I can't hide
That's why I get with you deep inside

A few more of those I'll be alright
Getting me through a long slow night

Wake up everyday glad to be alive
Another day of earning one-o-five
Soul is not for sale just a man for hire
The dreams alive can't kill this fire

Eking out a living in this paradise
Gimme Johnny Walker, neat, no ice
A few more those I'll be alright
Getting me through another long slow night

© Lee Down 2005

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Grow Love Grow

A small tear drops
expressing the depth
of emotion to be known
you bring to my heart
each treasure, each piece of gold
you, you and you, jewels and gems to behold
as the life, our stories, unfold
love shared is consoled

You inspire in me
that which I AM
knowing my heart
the depths of my soul
in its pains and sorrows shared
you show me that you cared
and listened to the stories I aired
how could I continue to be scared

A privilege it is
to be here with you all
doing life together
how can any of us fall
arm in arm we will go
even though the way be slow
friendship's warm-wind will blow
feeling the love grow

Monday, July 11, 2005

Somedays, Somedays

Somedays, somedays
All is right
Even in the dark
All is bright
My love and joy
Of living life
I can ignore
All the strife
Rolling away
With the punches
I twist and turn
Avoiding the crunches
Somedays, somedays
I crave life
Today I am wishing
With all my might
Somedays, somedays

© Lee Down 2005

Cat Dreams

Can the cat have people dreams?
Could that sleeping purr just be
putting dreamy moves with feline grace
on a Babe so smooth to deserve a cat call?

© Lee Down 2005


Futility is everywhere
beaconed eyes searching
silent seas of wanderers
sunken faces lurching
beads of memories
tear-drops of silver
There's more to life
not just this haunting.

© Lee Down 2005

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Blinding Insanity

You would feel more relaxed,
you wouldn't be quick to judge
if only you could - understand me.

Meet my friend, Mr. Insanity.

He crept out of the closet,
the dark recesses of my mind,
to visit with a reminder:

Be careful, or you will be - blinder.

And let out a blood-curdling laugh!

© Lee Down 2005

Memory Clouds

Past clouds touching
fallen patterns of time
see memories found.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Thoughts Chasing

Lying in bed
Thoughts racing
Ideas chasing
When do I sleep?

Creditor's Crush

No, don't look!
It's just another bill.
Another overdue payment.
Another headache stressed
by hunched shoulders,
pinched neck,
troubled mind.
Out of work,
building my own business,
freedom to create
under the stress,
the deadly weight
of the creditor's crush.
Don't they know
they're rushing my demise?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Just Flow

My mind and life are coming alive once again
to share scattered thoughts of
random order and chaos of disorder.

There is magic in words, in mind,
in sight, in everything we do.
What can be conceived can be believed
as so much of what is, once never was.

We are Gods, we are creation,
we are here constantly creating.
Each waking moment creating our reality
seemingly unreal when the pain is so unbearable and
the reality so surreal in times of ecstacy.

Our minds are powerful beyond measure
conducting maybe 20% of what is possible.
What greater symphony might be experienced
if we could access the complete orchestra?

The music of our lives hits lows so low
too often it seems the highs so far
in the distant past as to be almost
unbelievable when experienced again.

And yet, there is still so much that is possible
for us meagre beings inhabiting a small part
of such a big universe that can hardly
be fathomed so we don't even acknowledge,

prefering instead to stay in our head,
creating our own little world, of which we
are the masters of the universe,
the cenre of all creation and attention.

And yet, even so, we are creatures of God,
honoring our gifts through creation of our lives.
The real question to be asked;
are you of service or disservice?

The challenge of being
less of you to experience
more of you and and life.
What a powerful concept.

Monday, July 04, 2005


A fast busy life
Trying to live
Trying to survive
Working everyday
To keep up with the bills

Gotta get somewhere
Just can't stay here
Always need more
Something new
Something excited

None of it necessary
But obsession rarely is.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Silent Whispers

The message

silently whispers


shifting the sands

of our desert plains

forever restless

until we listen.

Then our magic

is unleashed

first with a trickle

a steady small stream

continually growing

until finally

we become

a powerful energy

to be reckoned with

like that of Niagara Falls.

Our Power

now unleashed

pushing us forth


to ourselves

and for all to see

The Magic

each of us creates

changing us all


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Finding Youth

I Wrote this Aug 27, 1996

Children laugh and squeal with delight
Running and playing with total abandon
Their sweet innocence warms our hearts
Elated by the attention of a child
We too return to our youth

Lip Service

I moved away one day
Following a dream of sanity
It took me miles to days away
Days build weeks to months
Missing what was and is nor more
Where have all my friends gone?
Keep in touch we say every day
To friends we make and people we meet
Lip service is cheap for a very long time
Until the rubble pile can grow no more
Lip service is cheap for a very long time
The weight of my cheated world crushes my armor
Now I know as I’ve discovered
My friends are possessors of gold
A wealth of richness in my life
For which a wish to repay
I write a letter to three
In hopes of words of your good health
And days build weeks to months
And all the time wait for a letter
Vanna white should be walking this way
Winning to me is the prize of word
A word not spoken but written down
Forever a memory not forgotten
Instead of any of this
Lip service is cheap for a very long time
Until the rubble pile can grow no more
Lip service is cheap for a very long time
The weight of my cheated world crushes my armor
I’ll write you and right you now
To bring the life news to your mind
And in your heart I’ll be again
What’s shared never to be lost
And pasts maintained and futures created
Be well my friends have a happy long life
I’ll be there in many different ways
To be counted and counted on
As maybe a savior on a bad day
Be well my friend no more Lip service

Friday, July 01, 2005

Soul Touch

Written Oct '96

I scream

Looking in
All around

To who
I am

Touch me
Upon my soul

Once before
Once again
I had

Remembered today
A burning
Glows again

You blow
Now burns

Searching continues
Once again
You've touched
My soul

Sorrow Joy Everlasting

A sorrow meanders in our lives today
Coating us all in its melancholy smile
With moments of wonder to what is
and what will become our tomorrow

Springing to moments of joy daily
With friendship feeding a deeper need
To be at One within our expansiveness
That is our society struggling to survive

Waking today an attempt to try again
Walking towards the light of day
Being washed in the warmth of Universe
Knowing but insecure of our own worth

The Supernatural can be found
Only when the fear is put away
Opening our heart and listening
For that quiet source of everlasting

Lee Down
March 9, 2005