Thursday, June 30, 2005

Pleasures of Promise

uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh
gimme the physical puritanical pleasures of promise

uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh
titillating the tantilizing truth together in time

uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh
so seriously satitisfy serenely the soul

uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh
growing orgasmically organically in the groin

uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh
coming completely confident with contentedness

uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


It descends softly
Enveloping slowly
With a million tiny gems
Sparkling in the mines
Of your minds eye
Creating a warmth
Of peace and serenity

Lying there still
Waiting, in the darkness
For the escape
That awaits you
Drifting slowly
With the ebbing tide
Of time and distance
No longer a reality

Thoughts become dreams
Dreams become reality
Running from the demons
To find your sanctuary
Of magnificence and grandeur
That will protect and warm
The battered heart and soul
That has battled the real world
And spirits of the night

Sunday, June 26, 2005

What a Child Will See

Another person - not race

Love - not skin color

Humanity - not a cultural label

Sameness - not difference

Discovery - not criticism

Curiosity - not judgement

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Be Inspired!

You think you’re going nowhere
But as you sit and think
The earth continues to spin
While circling the sun
So get up off the couch
And venture out into the world
As you travel in your day to day
Meet those whose paths cross yours
Listen to the words spoken
Your thoughts and emotions
As they speak to your soul
With this knowledge
Your spirit will be your guide
Leading you to fulfill
A destiny intended for you
Your dreams and desires
Fueled by the need to exceed
What you believe to be


Ponder yonder
into the night
wee hours of morn
To see and wander
the landscape of thought
wildness of mind
Emotions embodied
spirit somewhere inside
soul integration
Where does the road go
one may wonder
thinking this life


Friday, June 24, 2005


I say, I see, I feel
Actions, words, and play
Good or bad, wrong or right
Uncertainty plays with me

Mirror Man

Can you hide from it anymore?
Holier than he thou art?
I think not, yet
You parade yourself
With false airs.

“Don’t look at me that way!”
you say
I say, “Why?
Aren’t thou thine friend?”

Oh, I did not know
Thou keeps us all apart
No one ever to come close
We must all keep a distance
For if too close we get
We know not what
These feelings are

Does no one know where
Their true heart lies?
Is it confusion in thine soul?
Has thine heart been so
Profoundly bled
By hurts and betrayals of others?

Dous thou not know tis human nature?
That thou also has caused betrayal?
Ah! I thinketh a connection has thou made
Thy knows thine own true nature
Assuming the nature to be true for thine brothers
Thou art suspect of all
For thou are suspect also

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Oh, the wicked webs we weave
Each strand a fragile story
The truths stand strong against the wind
The lies are torn asunder
Beneath their own weight of guilt
The search for truth in constant flight

The News

Read the news today
Don’t know why
Knew it would be
All bad news
Is there any good?
How many others read
What has been written?
Do they feel like me?
The world is crying
The planet is dying
Each of us a speck
Trying to live a life
Our main concern
Our own existence
Our own survival
But what happens when
All hell breaks loose?
Shouldn’t we try to stop
The threat of our destruction?
What is your answer?

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Raging Solitude

Boiling blood rages inside

Racing through my veins

As spasms of anger

Ripple through every muscle

Two days and two nights

Of solitary, cooped up inside

Friday, June 17, 2005

Soul Searching

How do you know?
What speaks and who listens?
I do not know
And sometimes seem lost
Where am I going?
What will I be?
Who is it that will be mine?
Is that even what I want?
In my brain, screaming so loud
This must be a journey
Seemingly without direction
From one realization to the next
Discovering bit by bit
And most likely by accident
What and who I am
But only for today
As tomorrow, I am unsatisfied
And must try again
To find the truth


Dark pools of light
Dancing deep in her eyes
Deep within her soul
A warm wind blows
Flowing softly
In a protective embrace
To all she loves

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Good Tension

Astonished humility
the ego swells
with divine attention
of female sensuality
batting eyes
a nervous laugh
becomes a giggle
can't stand still
as nervous tension
sexual by now
builds a flame
the heat spreads
flame to flame
standing still
eyes intense
soaking up the sun
a forceful power
penetrating by nature
the open flower
of warm compassion
welcomes a weary traveller
to find solace
in peaceful serenity
of spiritual connection
for growing passion
to unfold and blossom
in heated exchange
of total abandon

Written today in memory of ...

By Lee Down

Saturday, June 11, 2005


I know you don't believe
what you cannot see
inside of you written on your face
standing out in the crowded sea of faces
fluttering absently shocked speechless they flock
reaching out in hunger for what I'm left to wonder
sucking hungry energy from a source of sweet love
the vulnerable exposes the flesh to the bone of the soul
the sad song sings its silent call for emotion the tears will speak
as they streak the lightening sky to the heart of one another
feeling the overwhelming sadness swelling the riverbanks of society
seeing myself swept up in the emotional flotsam and debris
I am carried into the undercurrents to be held breathless with life
stalled on hold until the torrential currents release the log-jam
I am launched down the chute carried by the elation of a perpetual freedom
splashed in the vigorous droplets of cold reality washing up glimpses of possibility
again in the stunning moments of the views into abyss up to the highest peaks I am





One day, when all resistance is gone,
I will sail through life on a breeze,
and all truth will be Now.

Alone Again

Can someone ease my pain
the sadness of despair
knowing I remain

Alone again

For how long I must wait
I don't understand it
It's hard to hate

Alone again

The mind takes lonely's place
In company are thoughts
Bringing a new face

Alone again

Wishing, hoping, waiting, wanting
there is more to live
not just this haunting

Alone again

Living inside my own mind
Being the friendly guy
Until one day I find

Alone again

I don't know why, don't know why
It's just the way of it
As I stare at the sky

Alone again

Until one day another tease
She'll walk this way
and say, "Please?"

Alone again

I'll wait and wonder afraid to move
Eyes discriminating
For her to prove

Alone again

Dammitall, I don't get it right
Sitting alone
Night after night

Alone again

Crying quietly deep inside
I wish I could
Just run and hide

Alone again

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Fool's Wisdom

The Fool comes out to play
With wisdom, fun, and light
To poke the serious mind
With the folly that is life
Taken too seriously the trap
Of caged creativity denied
Released with laughter delight
Truth hidden in plain sight
Witness the muse released again
Bestowing riches through life
Free and playful engaging hearts
Prison doors collapse in freedom
With peals of laughter, mirth and power
Spirits dance freely with melancholy souls
Able to rejoice in the pain and suffering
Knowing the truth of a life well-lived
To risk and play with choices made
Discovering the way of a truthful path
Climbing the mountain to summit's peak
To bask in glory of life's landscape
The Fool rises again.

Written this morning over coffee. Happy April Fool's Day! :)

Choose Life

Think and think and think
and get caught in your mind
trapped with the fear of choice
right or wrong how do you know
without trusting the bodily emotion
that feels the truth resonated
in being the creator of your future
just let it go, let it go, the freedom
yours to discover with failure
success will shortly follow
each new turn leads the way
closer to the heart beating
strongly inside your own being
Being with One the Source of Life
a flower never questions the way
leaning this way and that way
growing toward the moving sun
around obstacles fallen in path
life represents no different law
upward you go or choose certain death
to live in hell on earth with despair
over frozen action full of fear
instead push-up moving always forward
towards the heated sun that inspires
energy moving quickly in synergy
with your Being alive in adventure
choosing life, not the mind-trap

This World

Everyday, getting smaller and smaller
Hearing the screams of pain and agony
The suffering continues
As mankind evolves
But into what?
Atrocities and virtue collide
In a constant battle
As two bighorn sheep
Dueling it out on mountaintop
A thundering crash on impact
Sending a shiver down the spine of society
Trying to make a better place
Will good overcome evil
Or will a blind eye be turned?
Ignoring the crimes committed
Against helpless people
Nuclear fallout, civil wars and terrorism
Destroying a fragile web
The spider must rebuild again and again

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Yawn, stretch
Eyes blinking slowly
The fog lifts
Consciousness returns
As a new day begins
Daylight creeping in
Darkness, ever present
Withdraws into the corners
Standing tall
Return to life
Focused on the light


Facing her, he feels a need
A need to be closer, inside
The intimate act of love
Draws him to her
As a moth to a flame
A gentle touch spreading
The warmth of contact
Creating a sense of well-being

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Working Stiffs

Sleepy people on the bus
Eyes foggy with lazy lids
Sullen eyes on serious faces
As they are awakened
By the mundane tasks
Of another day at the office

Question Mark

Here I am
Sitting alone
and pondering
What about
I do not know
I can just feel it
The big question mark
Following me around

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Sauntering unsteadily
Outstretched arm
Ready to grasp
To catch a fall
His world
The streets
Litter, cans
Small change
And cigarette butts
Pain unknown
Long forgotten
Years of nothing
A meager existence
He is no longer
Of this reality

The Party

Endless chattering
gaggling geese
a dull roar
envelopes the air
with good cheer

Faces break
the stone away
with merry chant
and throaty cackle
hearts are lifted
at every table

Warm welcome
eyes contact
broad smiles
proudly displayed
loyal attendants
tend appetites
for spirits, food
and fun.

A Statement

The power of nature so unique
The world we live in can even speak
The awesome wonders for all to see
And painful plundering of our sacred trees
The species of man continues to expand
Leaving his mark upon the land
History tells us that this is progress
But in reality we only get less
On this planet man continues to kills
As nature recovers from another oil spill
Many of us do love this land
Trying to lend a helping hand
Can we change business and politics?
Cause we are this planets fleas and ticks

Before You Go Please

Wake me up before you go please
Stroke my head gently and easily
I’ll stir slowly coming awake
Gimme a kiss before you go please
I wanna taste your honey sweetness
A beautiful flower all sticky and sweet
Gimme a taste before you go please
The gentle caress and salty kiss
Tasting honey before moving on top
Aroused and awake eyes full of you
Gimme some before you go please
Soft wet flesh salty sweet
My tongue caresses your love petals
I want you before you go please
A shiver of ecstacy, exquisite delight
Your lips wrap me up oh so tight
Throbbing, quivering, Oh my God
Waves of pleasure wash all over me
Let us join before you go please
Mouths watering and sweetly wet
Tongues and lips tasting each other
Shifting hips, legs all scrambling
Gliding inside slowly and easily
Oh so wet before you go please
Filling you inside you surround me
All hot slippery and juicy wet
Each thrust slow deliberate and controlled
Allowing pleasure to completely take hold
Release me before you go please
Arm in arm, lips to lips
Tongues entwined and hip to hip
Thrusting in unison we continue to climb
The sensation surrounds completely around
Head to toe and top to bottom
Back to back and front to front
Tingling, shivering and quivering
I’m undone by you as you scream
Hug me tight before you go please

by Lee Down, 1997

all material is copyright protected throughout the blog.

Monday, June 06, 2005

I See You

I look at you
And study your face
Being so critical
To see what you hide
But all I see is
Radiant beauty
Accented with sparkling smile
Even in the cold harsh light of day

© Lee Down 2005


Blue sky
Tranquil sea
Interrupted violently
Gathering quickly
Carpeted above
Lightening bolts
Blinding flash
Torrents pour
Winds whip
Bough breaking
Sudden peace
Calm returns

© Lee Down 2005

Future is Murder

Look at our society, our culture
And tell me what is wrong
Young people are stressed
Beyond belief living
With fear and uncertainty
About their future unkown
Hate and distrust many hearts
They're struggling to survive
Nails chewed down to quick
Wonder what it would take
To settle their heartache
Something has gone missing
From slower days passed
Tell me there is nothing wrong
I'll say you're asleep at the wheel
Today’s children parade their attitudes
Marching on the backs of our unborn
Scared for the future, what will be
No change seen today, death tomorrow

People Watching

Walking around through life today
Looking for a life that brings meaning
I'm watching people and wondering
Why does it seem we're all play acting

I'm led to believe it's all a game
Dressed up images and plastic smiles
A mask of confidence to brave the world
Finding fulfillment in the emptiness

Returning home to a small cocoon
Private inner world to create sanity
Obsessed with pets and mindless TV
Living vicariously dreams of adventure

Hiding away behind the confident mask
They're pretending to be fully alive
But I see a fear behind their eyes
When I give them my smile of freedom

What are they hiding, what's the fear
That keeps them living smaller lives
Keeping them down and all alone
Communities cracked from disconnect

In the city so big pockets collapse
As people move offline from reality
Virtual communities and relationships
Sitting alone in front of their computer

There is nobody warm and caring
To laugh and cry in complete humility
Cynical existence replaced authenticity
Hidden and protected behind the screen

Who am I now, what is missing
The void inside screams all the while
To feel another presence connected deeply
To know I am here and really alive

**** this is just an observation of conversations and relationships to which I've been privy.

Meaning of Life?

Forty-Two today
Oh, is it your birthday?
No, dumspter divers.
Dumpster divers,
forty-two today.

No more, Daydreamer!

I'm sorry reality
that can't just be me
I'm optimistic to a fault
I don't know how to halt

I want to reach the sky
to experience the high
of living a loud life
not all that silly strife

You can have it if you want
it's yours for a haunt
I'm off to dreamland
where it isn't so bland

The way I look at things
to me goodness it brings
for a dreamers eye is high
with an attitude to try

Try hard - Yes I do
each day is brand new
with a smile on my face
I make it a happy place

I will see others smile
you see; I'm versatile
with a can-do attitude
and heart of gratitude

Giving love to others
they're all my brothers
I see me in all of you
if you saw, you would too

It grows in my heart
a neverending part
with me giving it
you might stop to sit

In peace.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


A quiet giggle
A shy smile
Holding hands
Twinkling eyes
Sniff it in
A glorious fragrance
You smell
You feel
Veins screaming
Blood pumping
You grab hold
Hugging tightly
With a kiss
Made lightly
Breathe in again
Inhaling more
The room spins
As you gasp
For air
Nose twitching
Wanting more
So you hold on
On the edge
Grabbing on
In an embrace
You kiss
Deep, longingly
In fantasy
Too good to be true
Is it real
Or hallucination
Eyes closing
Tongue reaching
Searching for more
The scent
Creates desire
For more
Holding on
To the bed
Over the edge
The drug, love

Lee Down 1994


In who you are,
What you can do.
Open your mind
and possibilities
will flood in.

Remember who you are
And where you came from.
Remember all the people
And keep all your friends.

Believe and take action.
Believe and live life.
Believe and risk yourself.
Risk and know what is possible.

Lee Down
November 1994

Website Updates

Recent updates have been completed for the One Man Can website. The link will open a new browser window so blogexplosion surfers won't lose any credits.

Check it out and if you see any corrections or issues, please let me know.


Come Play

I came to see you this rainy day
Wanting to invite you to come out and play
Walked in the door and asked for a seat
Until I saw you my heart never missed a beat
And when I saw you my heart skipped a beat

Now I sit here wondering what I have to do
To be the lucky man to spend some time with you
Instead I behave the flustery fool
No matter what I do I can't keep cool
No matter how hard I try I'm so not cool

You probably look at me and think what a weirdo
But I work up my courage and say "here we go"
I lay it on the line and make the invite
My heart has stopped, my breath held tight
I wait for an answer with breath held tight

copyright protected 2005

Saturday, June 04, 2005


I wanna go higher
cuz I'm on fire
don't wanna survive
I wanna be ALIVE

© Lee Down 2005

A Big Blow

You say you want to know me
but I don't know really why
With my passion running deeply
I'm chasing after the sky

We end up getting married
It works okay for awhile
Then you want to be carried
Giving me a tired smile

My heart has become heavy
You don't wanna be my wife
Cause I want to fly Baby
And you want a different life

I won't live on the surface Baby
I want to go deeper inside
Don't even think of saying maybe
Because there you can still hide

It's now or never sweetheart
And you ask me to let you go
Saying good-bye is the hard part
And my heart takes the big blow

© Lee Down 2005

Being Freedom

There is a sadness in my heart today
It's heavy, hard, and ready to break
"It will be freedom," I'd like to say
A life to live I would like to take

Standing tall and unafraid
People taking issue as they want
No change in me as a band-aid
Cause who I am is not a taunt

I am a man living in heat
Sex and life feed my creativity
If you don't like it take a seat
It's all you can do to let me be me

I know I am human in all it entails
The dark and light of humanity
Exist in me within all the details
All of life's coarseness embraced by me

No Choice

To sit or stand is to risk demise
In this landscape of ill repute
Opinions everywhere watching and waiting
To parade foul in their ire

© Lee Down 2005

Fingers Entwined

Fingers entwined
Wrapped round and round
Forever bound
With the power of love
There is no beginning
There is no end
We have no reason to pretend
Though hands may part
And times get hard
We make new reasons
For brand new starts
Always fingers entwined

Revised April 2005

Beached Thoughts

Deafening space and time
A moment's eternity
Stretches to infinity

What is reality?
Where is reality?
When is reality?

When do you stop?
When do you wake?
When do you see?

Just some new thoughts inspired today on the beach.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Dancing Life

Having used all the excuses
Blood runs like molasses
The heavy-weight gives a sigh
Looking over at the opponent
No sign of weary defeat
A discovery dawning
Life always wins over
Struggling antagonism
Give in to resistance
Victory is in the dance
Ebbing and flowing
With the rhythm of Life
Only destination to find
Present in the moment

Lee Down

Words Razorsharp

Razor sharp
And icy steel
Slicing abdomens
As they are
In a breath
Of singing fire
Power and glory
Thorny roses
Stuffed into the ears
Of the audience
Too quiet
They listen
In pain
Clenched teeth
Teardrops rolling
Scarlet red
Thick and syrupy
“hit me,” I say, “hit me!”
and the torrential rains
of punishing vowels, consonants
intended to sever,
to separate,
a heart
with white glory
sunshine and dew
cool and crisp
those words continue
to cut away

written Dec 15, 1997

by Lee Down

Surviving Life

What is it with me
That I sit alone
Night after night

Meeting beautiful women
With brains and something
That shines in their eyes

A lucky man am I?
So much to say, to think
About what
I know not
Til something gives
In to my foresight
Or alas too late
My hindsight

I feel I know not what
Nor wherefor
Deep down inside
Emotions too turbulent
To enjoy the ride
I see in me
So much to share
But too much to hold
So push it back
To hide
Deep down inside

But alas,
I try and try
To hold back and fight
But the strength I find
Welling up inside
Bursts forth
Disappointed with what
I see
I feel
I hear

Suffering of a city
Of a family
Now dead
All around
So much of each of us
Left to die
In our own fight
To stay alive

Can anyone see?
A sense to it?
Any of it?
What it is?
Tis what?

Am I strange
Or are they
That walk in fear
For somewhere to hide

Asleep I must be
For a nightmare
This seems
Not right it is
Or strange
It would not seem

Look at a neighbor
Across the street
Or seated in a car
Right next to you

They don’t look back
They only react
To the stress
Each day
As they lose their mind

Being alone
As I am
I see for sure
We need each other!

written September 23, 1997

by Lee Down

Savor Life

Whence life's joys
drink slowly
sorrows past
reject living path
know finding future
touch eternity
Savor Life

© Lee Down 2005

Living Paradise

Eking out a living in this paradise
Gimme Johnny Walker, neat, no ice
A few more of those I'll be alright
Getting me through a long slow night

Twisted pain of death lines my face
Another chance tomorrow my saving grace
I'm here to fight, never say die
Always chasing truth never a lie

Eking out a living in this paradise
Gimme Johnny Walker, neat, no ice

Smile for me Baby I'm here for you
Whatever it takes you know I'll do
You know my dirty secret I can't hide
That's why I get with you deep inside

A few more of those I'll be alright
Getting me through a long slow night

Wake up everyday glad to be alive
Another day of earning one-o-five
Soul is not for sale just a man for hire
The dreams alive can't kill this fire

Eking out a living in this paradise
Gimme Johnny Walker, neat, no ice
A few more those I'll be alright
Getting me through a long slow night

Lee Down

World Pain

I see what I want to ignore
Unable to hide from it anymore
My happy face has gone away
And now don’t want to go out and play

There are people starving
With many more in pain and dying
No real homes for warmth or shelter
Our world has become helter skelter

Sitting here on a soft warm bed
I can’t get their pain out of my head
I wish there was something I could do
But I don’t know and neither do you

written September 16, 1997

by Lee Down

Musings one day

“Hello? Can anyone hear me? I’m here, can you see me?“

I waited. Silence returned. Not wanting to panic, I decided to wait a bit longer. Still, silence, no movement, and I began to feel the anxiety swell up. I looked intently around me hoping to see; something, anything. The tiniest movement or acknowledgement would have been so welcome, but nothing came.

This made no sense to me. I see them, they’re sitting there, engaged in their own little worlds but they don’t seem to know that I’m here. I turned around, quickly at first to look in the opposite direction. Then, dissatisfied, I turned slowly, taking in the view 360° around me. Every direction I looked I could see people, some just mere meters away. In exasperation I sat down.

Cross-legged with my chin in my hands, I scowled and looked about in front of me. I was chewing my lip now and I my forehead was furrowed in a deep frown. Different thoughts raced through my mind as I wondered at this strange situation. Am I asleep and just having a weird dream? Thinking about it, I dismissed it figuring a dream would metamoph much sooner than this. Hmm, what next?

Playful Love

Playing eyes
at, for each other
a wave of pleasure
of fun tonight
Now dance
in the park
so close together
no room to breathe
passion take flight
carry me away
with the wave
of excitement
a first time
or one hundred and first
still does the same
blood in my veins
blood from my name
dancing for you
dancing for me
life is sweet
having fun every day
someone to play

written June 23, 1997

by Lee Down

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Sleep Surreal

Drifting in and out
From the edge of sleep
Is a surreal place
Where dreams meet reality

© Lee Down 2005

All This with a Kiss

My eyes blurred with ecstacy
And libido running wildly
My tongue danced with yours
Licking sweat from your pores

It's a frenzied feeding
As temperatures rise unheeding
Dripping appetites for flesh
Tongues lap sweetness fresh

Tastebud to tastebud touch
Our spirits blend, oh, so much
Lost in the fantasy of freedom
Eyes see my soul, bid me to - come

Sinking into you with each tongue-lick
And you moan to me baby, "Not so quick."
Teasing, taunting, hips now prompting
Bid to cum, "Yes, yes, yes," you will sing

Eyes blood-red, rushing to my head
Bucking sucker holding you to the bed
Legs squeezed in a mighty crush
My only quest, for you to gush

Drowning the days sorrows in ecstacy
So blended spirits can soar freely
And Baby... it's all this
With the thought of a kiss.

© Lee Down 2005

Sun's Love

Blazing upon daybreak
I dreamed the silky sun
dazzled those found
blinding delicious laughter
Burning lonely desire

© Lee Down 2005

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dreams to Reality

Expansiveness seen overhead, above and beyond
Opaque wispy blue tinted overspray white
Upon the breeze comes time and chance
To while away a conjured reality
Of hopes and dreams served on fine china
Suspended by fine fragile threads frayed
By the weathered storm of unkempt emotions
Battling life weary with worry and fear
To fall sleepless tiredly to a cold tile floor
Shattering the reality to build new castles
Of dreams of might and wonder tomorrow
Destroying what was, having to build anew.

© Lee Down 2005

this spilled out while sitting at a coffee shop one spring day

Stupid Thoughts

Try to sleep
lying in bed,
thoughts run through
my stupid head.

Keeps me awake
until I write it down,
so I am thinking
with a frown.

And then I start
under the light,
sometimes so prolific
it gives me a fright.

Why do I do it
I cannot comprehend,
but I feel so good
in the end.

© Lee Down 2005

This is an old poem from November 1994 - I stumbled upon it today, had a laugh and brought it to share! :)

Musings: Rats in a cage

I see so much more mental illness. Stress. Anxiety. Depression. Drugs. Cutting. Abortion. The list goes on.

I see so much more dysfunction. Broken families. Runaways. Prostitution. Sexual abuse. Emotional abuse.

I see much less community. Neighborhoods collapse. People withdrawn. Everything locked down. Kids play inside. Nintendo. Electronics. Television.

I see many more lost faces. Compromised values. Dreams unfulfilled. Accepting 2nd best. Emotional dependance. Fear. Slavery to a system. Slavery to beliefs. Brainwashed emotionally.

I see much more antagonism. Unemployment. Theft. Financial strain. Marital abuse. Win at all costs. Increase the divide. Greed & power. Growing numbers in poverty.

I see much more dissatisfaction. Settling for security. Not achieving potential. Giving up dreams. Denied talent.

Are we the rats in the cage?

Is this era a period of time to study how far human beings can be pushed?

Can you imagine waking up to an earthquake every day for 5 months straight? Multiple quakes in a day?

Do you think we could be more productive if the pace slowed down and we found more time for our relationships? For community? For recreation?

What would it be like working for a company that cared about its' people, its' community, and the planet's resources?

What would it be like to experience fewer restrictions and more freedom in complete safety?

A Random Thought

When seeking the Gold in life that brings value, we must persevere through hardships and dig through much muck to find the vein of Truth for our life.